There’s Still A Place For Newspapers – It’s Just Becoming Harder To Find

The day the Internet got into full swing was the day the countdown for the end of the newspaper began. Printed media is still with us – finding new ways to stay relevant, but it seems only a matter of time before we just switch on the iPad or laptop to review the days' news …

Steve Jobs and the iToaster

I can’t help but think if Steve Jobs went into the toaster business we’d never have to eat burnt toast again. If my iPhone can tell me where I am, if there’s a police radar nearby, where I can get a good pizza, tell me the name of the singer and the song on the …

From plastic wrapped newspapers to iPads

Even in this electronic media age one of the highlights of the day for me is reading the morning paper. It's a ritual that I follow every morning even though much of what I'm reading was either on the late TV news the night before or 12 hours out of date because of print deadlines. …